How to instal Leeadbooster ?

1. Install Leadbooster from Google Workspace Marketplace
To Install LeadBooster from Google Workspace Marketplace, click on the following link HERE.
2. After the installation open Leadbooster in your Google Sheets account
3. Add your License Key
(You will get this per Email after purchasing)

4. Add your OpenAI/DeepSeek API Key

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How to Scrape any Website?
With LeadBooster you can scrape any Website you want. Use the "Scrape URL or Domain Task".
Note! The website scraper will not be able to extract Personal LinkedIn Profiles, only company/personal Websites and LinkedIn Company Pages.
The LinkedIn Company Pages need to be in the format: sure the URL is valid.
No additional APIs needed.

How to Scrape LinkedIn Company Pages ?
Extract the Company LinkedIn Description with no additional API's needed.
The LinkedIn Company Pages need to be in the format:

How to use the Website Researcher ?
Use the Website researcher to research and scrape any information from any website while running your custom prompt.
The website researcher works only for regular company/personal websites.
Use the Website researcher to extract data from multiple pages for any Website and run your prompt using the extracted data.
The website researcher will extract 200 Pages (by default) for the Website/URL you provide.
Then it will find the most suitable pages based on the Page name and the Keywords you provide.
After that, it will scrape the most suitable pages.
Then it will execute the prompt you provide. Use the variable #PAGES# to integrate the scraped pages content in your prompt.

How to use any API ?
LeadBooster has a fully integrated HTTP API Module that enables you to bring any API you want. We believe that bringing your API's will cost you a fraction of the cost of other tools.
Bring any API you want.
Check the predefined API templates to make your life easier.
Use {{COLUMN}} to get the value of the specified column for any API field needed. For example: {{BC}}
Store the API response in the Output Column.
If the response is JSON and you need to extract particular fields, use the Field Paths. ℹ️ Check the Extract JSON section below.
You can use a Prompt to extract information from the JSON. Using File Paths saves you executions and saves you money.

How to use the Custom Agents ?
Custom agents are prompts that have the ability to scrape data from websites and LinkedIn Company Pages or include data from other columns in the prompt.
Use {{COLUMN}} to get the data of the column.
Use [[COLUMN]] to scrape a Website/URL.
The column value can be 1 or more URLs separated by commas, spaces, or new lines.
You can scrape company/personal Websites and LinkedIn Company pages only.Note! [[COLUMN]] will not be able to extract Personal LinkedIn Profile data. It is able to scrape Website URLs and LinkedIn Company Pages only.
The LinkedIn Company Pages need to be in the format:

How to use the Custom Workflows?
This feature is a KILLER!
You can combine all the tasks you need to create one or multiple workflows. After the workflow is defined, you can run it for the whole sheet. This will run in the background while you enjoy a sip of coffee.
Combine any task to create a workflow.
The defined workflow will run for every row in the current sheet (Optional use the Last Row. Using Last Row is very useful when testing your workflow).
Make sure to use the proper Output Columns. You can use data from the output columns from previous tasks anywhere where {{COLUMN}} it is applicable.
Make sure to use the "Only run if" formulas to save executions and API credits when using an API.

How to use the formatting tasks?
Use multiple task to format data in your sheet.
Normalize Company Names
Remove Duplicates
Find Colleagues (using the data in the sheet)
Clear Error notes

Conditions are used when you want to check if any column has some kind of value.
For example, when you use waterfall enrichment, you want to save your credits by checking if the previous enrichment was successful or not. You can do this easily with conditions.
Conditions can be defined on every task.
Every Condition is divided by semicolon.
You can additional use "||" as an OR logical statement inside every Condition.
Logical operators supported
Equal (=) checks if the column is equal to a value
Not Equal (!=) checks if a column is not equal to a value
Bigger (>) checks if a column is not bigger than a value
Smaller (<) checks if a column is not smaller than a value
Example for a condition:
E="XXX" ; T <25 ; Y!="" ; Z!="" || Z = "XX";
This would be translated to:
E column is equal to "XX" AND
T column is less than 25 AND
Y Column is not Empty AND
Z Column is not Empty OR Z Column is "XX"

How to use the Conditions ?
Use multiple task to format data in your sheet.
Normalize Company Names
Remove Duplicates
Find Colleagues (using the data in the sheet)
Extract and format JSON

How to extract JSON ?
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